This Land

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Title: This Land
Director: Miki Redelinghuys
Year: 2019
Country: South Africa
Runtime: 48′
Language: Zulu and English
Subtitles: English


This Land is a feature documentary that reflects national challenges in three areas of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The film follows the people of Makhasaneni in pristine hills near Melmoth in their battle against an Indian company’s secretive collusion with politically connected elites to develop a vast opencast iron-ore mine on the land they have farmed for generations. This Land shows that mining is not the only threat as people from Babanango relate how their lifestyle is being destroyed as the grazing lands around them are turned into a game reserve.

This film is part of YardVibes, a streaming platform for content from independent African and Caribbean makers. The platform offers many titles for rent, from feature films and web series to documentaries and short films, with new content added each month. All titles can be rented individually for a modest fee, which will largely benefit the makers. You can find the complete YardVibes film streaming catalogue at