We are always interested in like-minded people to join our team, from sponsors and volunteers to filmmakers and other creative entrepeneurs. For more information about Caribbean Creativity or questions about how you can sponsor, join or work with us, please contact us at [email protected].


Caribbean Creativity is an ANBI (Public Benefit Organization). This means that you do not have to pay any tax when giving us a donation or inheritance. The Dutch Tax Office (Belastingdienst) stimulates organizations like ours with tax-deductible donations. Caribbean Creativity is also recognized as a cultural ANBI. This means that our foundation is recognized as being at least for 90% active in the cultural field. Sponsors of cultural ANBIs have an extra tax benefit from 2012, because for them there is an additional gift deduction. At the same time, we have a full exemption from inheritance tax, which means that people who donate some of their heritage to us, will not be charged any tax.

The information that, according to the ANBI registration requirements of January 1, 2014, has to be published publicly, can be found on our ABOUT page.


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